IIT Indore researchers use AI to accurately predict early Alzheimer’s – India Today

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A study led by researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Indore has demonstrated the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the early and accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

The research, published in the prestigious Nature Mental Health journal, explores a computer-based diagnostic approach that works alongside medical specialists to effectively identify Alzheimer’s.

The study, led by Professor M. Tanveer, highlights the transformative role of AI in advancing medical diagnostics and the critical importance of multidisciplinary expertise and international collaboration in tackling complex healthcare challenges.


“Accurate and early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is paramount for effective intervention and treatment planning,” explains Professor Tanveer. “Our research not only enhances diagnostic precision but also enriches our understanding of the intricate dynamics underlying Alzheimer’s.”


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The study delves into the recent advancements in ensemble deep learning, a sophisticated AI technique that combines multiple deep neural networks to achieve exceptional performance. By leveraging neuroimaging data from advanced techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET), the researchers have developed models capable of precisely identifying both structural and functional changes in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

“Early and accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer’s is crucial,” says Professor Tanveer. “It allows for timely intervention, better management of the condition, and helps in planning appropriate treatments. Moreover, understanding the brain’s dynamics through advanced AI techniques can significantly enhance the quality of life for patients and their families.”

The research team, which includes collaborators from renowned institutions worldwide, such as the University of Manitoba, Canada, TECNALIA, Spain, Qatar University, and the University of Technology Sydney, Australia, has delved into the current trends and challenges within the field of Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis and management.

“This work provides crucial insights into the evolving landscape of Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis and management,” adds Professor Tanveer. “The findings are pivotal for guiding future research and developing more sophisticated AI tools for healthcare, ultimately bringing new hope to Alzheimer’s patients and their families.”

As the global population continues to age, the burden of Alzheimer’s disease is expected to grow. The groundbreaking research from IIT Indore, with its focus on early and accurate diagnosis using AI is a step forward in the fight against this debilitating condition, offering the promise of improved patient outcomes and a brighter future for those affected by Alzheimer’s.

Published By:

Sibu Kumar Tripathi

Published On:

May 6, 2024

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